Mixmatching the new G.Skill TridentZ ram


Aug 6, 2015
Hi guys!

Newbie hereee so pardon my ill knowledge on these things.

So G.skill just unveiled the new variants to the TridentZ ram series with the new additional color scheme which i very much like.



Basically the main question is

Would their be set backs if we cross matched them?

Like for example: 2 of the original Red/Black and 2 of the White/Black in 1 set up?

Would that function as expected or would it have drawbacks?

Thanks ahead!

If possible, purchase the same exact specs, that is your best chance at them running at full speed. Otherwise if you mix match kits or use different types, you need to test and see what they are capable of. Unless you're a memory expert, you probably don't want to do that.

RAM is matched and sold in sets for a reason.


+1 (and 2 and 3 and 4.... 😉 )

There are no guarantees when mixing packages of DRAM, even two packages of the same exact model.
Problem with "consumer level" DRAM is that there is no fixed BOM - so with different batches there´s a chance that components have been changed because of availability or pricing for example. You´ll not be guaranteed to have same batches when buying different kits, but G.SKILL usually will watch what they are selling. I´d be more afraid if it was Transcend or Kingston brand (no offense!^^).

Only thing one should never ever do is mixing brands. It will most likely work, but the chance it doesn´t is much higher than buying two kits from one manufacturer.