On January 21 we celebrate a great man who died for peace and humanity MLK. Let us remember him and never forget these words he said DARKNESS CANNOT PUT OUT DARKNESS ONLY LIGHT CAN DO THIS.These words will live on forever.
by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Recently, the press has been filled with reports of sightings of flying saucers. While we need not give credence to these stories, they allow our imagination to speculate on how visitors from outer space would judge us. I am afraid they would be stupefied at our conduct. They would observe that for death planning we spend billions to create engines and strategies for war. They would also observe that we spend millions to prevent death by disease and other causes. Finally they would observe that we spend paltry sums for population planning, even though its spontaneous growth is an urgent threat to life on our planet. Our visitors from outer space could be forgiven if they reported home that our planet is inhabited by a race of insane men whose future is bleak and uncertain.
There is no human circumstance more tragic than the persisting existence of a harmful condition for which a remedy is readily available. Family planning, to relate population to world resources, is possible, practical and necessary. Unlike plagues of the dark ages or contemporary diseases we do not yet understand, the modern plague of overpopulation is soluble by means we have discovered and with resources we possess.
What is lacking is not sufficient knowledge of the solution but universal consciousness of the gravity of the problem and education of the billions who are its victims.
It is easier for a Negro to understand a social paradox because he has lived so long with evils that could be eradicated but were perpetuated by indifference or ignorance. The Negro finally had to devise unique methods to deal with his problem, and perhaps the measure of success he is realizing can be an inspiration to others coping with tenacious social problems.
In our struggle for equality we were confronted with the reality that many millions of people were essentially ignorant of our conditions or refused to face unpleasant truths. The hard-core bigot was merely one of our adversaries. The millions who were blind to our plight had to be compelled to face the social evil their indifference permitted to flourish.
After centuries of relative silence and enforced acceptance, we adapted a technique of exposing the problem by direct and dramatic methods. We had confidence that when we awakened the nation to the immorality and evil of inequality, there would be an upsurge of conscience followed by remedial action.
We knew that there were solutions and that the majority of the nation were ready for them. Yet we also knew that the existence of solutions would not automatically operate to alter conditions. We had to organize, not only arguments, but people in the millions for action. Finally we had to be prepared to accept all the consequences involved in dramatizing our grievances in the unique style we had devised.
There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger's early efforts. She, like we, saw the horrifying conditions of ghetto life. Like we, she knew that all of society is poisoned by cancerous slums. Like we, she was a direct actionist — a nonviolent resister. She was willing to accept scorn and abuse until the truth she saw was revealed to the millions. At the turn of the century she went into the slums and set up a birth control clinic, and for this deed she went to jail because she was violating an unjust law. Yet the years have justified her actions. She launched a movement which is obeying a higher law to preserve human life under humane conditions. Margaret Sanger had to commit what was then called a crime in order to enrich humanity, and today we honor her courage and vision; for without them there would have been no beginning. Our sure beginning in the struggle for equality by nonviolent direct action may not have been so resolute without the tradition established by Margaret Sanger and people like her. Negroes have no mere academic nor ordinary interest in family planning. They have a special and urgent concern.
Recently the subject of Negro family life has received extensive attention. Unfortunately, studies have overemphasized the problem of the Negro male ego and almost entirely ignored the most serious element — Negro migration. During the past half century Negroes have migrated on a massive scale, transplanting millions from rural communities to crammed urban ghettoes. In their migration, as with all migrants, they carried with them the folkways of the countryside into an inhospitable city slum. The size of family that may have been appropriate and tolerable on a manually cultivated farm was carried over to the jammed streets of the ghetto. In all respects Negroes were atomized, neglected and discriminated against. Yet, the worst omission was the absence of institutions to acclimate them to their new environment. Margaret Sanger, who offered an important institutional remedy, was unfortunately ignored by social and political leaders in this period. In consequence, Negro folkways in family size persisted. The problem was compounded when unrestrained exploitation and discrimination accented the bewilderment of the newcomer, and high rates of illegitimacy and fragile family relationships resulted.
Well, I wasn't targeting "progressives" on the whole insomuch as the self-hating white progressives. Let's be honest about this though, how many white people do you know that have lived with generations of "white guilt" to the point where they loath their own racial legacy. I know I'm not the only one who knows people like this. It's absolutely nauseating! I am personal friends with a few card carrying liberals who actually despise their own status in life because of progressive rhetoric that tells them they owe the black man for generations of social inequality. Have you ever listened to an inner city upper class hipster who laments the fact that she owns a BMW and lives in a very nice Brownstone but the poor kids who live three blocks away are subjected to gun violence and (her quote) "horrid living conditions"? But then, in the next moment, rant about how Washington and Jefferson owned slaves and blame them for today's social inequality, rant about how black people should be given preferential treatment over white people because of it, and then lament how she wishes there was something she could do to make herself feel better about the social injustice she sees everyday at her job as a Social Worker. Does she donate time or money to the local church, food shelter, YMCA, or the Boys/Girls Club? No friggin' way, she wouldn't be caught in THAT neighborhood!
Well, I wasn't targeting "progressives" on the whole insomuch as the self-hating white progressives. Let's be honest about this though, how many white people do you know that have lived with generations of "white guilt" to the point where they loath their own racial legacy. I know I'm not the only one who knows people like this. It's absolutely nauseating! I am personal friends with a few card carrying liberals who actually despise their own status in life because of progressive rhetoric that tells them they owe the black man for generations of social inequality. Have you ever listened to an inner city upper class hipster who laments the fact that she owns a BMW and lives in a very nice Brownstone but the poor kids who live three blocks away are subjected to gun violence and (her quote) "horrid living conditions"? But then, in the next moment, rant about how Washington and Jefferson owned slaves and blame them for today's social inequality, rant about how black people should be given preferential treatment over white people because of it, and then lament how she wishes there was something she could do to make herself feel better about the social injustice she sees everyday at her job as a Social Worker. Does she donate time or money to the local church, food shelter, YMCA, or the Boys/Girls Club? No friggin' way, she wouldn't be caught in THAT neighborhood!
It's easy to complain about how things are and search for boogeymen to blame and very difficult to admit our own faults and change our attitudes and perspective. As Dr. King said......we follow a slippery slope in perpetuation with things like the NAACP, the United Negro College fund etc...That means all of us must take a stand, to do the right things, the hard things. Allowing for things that obviously seperate ourselves, those left out must wait with patience til those things are truly obsolete.
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.