Mobile not storing camera photos on sd card..


Jun 25, 2015
So I have the Nokia XL Dual Sim..
And the problem with this is that storage.
I am kind of a camera guy and like to take pics.lots of pics..
So I inserted an 8 Gb Micro Sd card in the slot..
It stored only a few photos on it and then started to store on the mobiles sd micro card of 1 Gb.
The problem is that once it ie the mobiles sd card fills up the mobile stops to respond amd laggs a a lot
Its really irritating. Cannot capture nor store any phots on the mobile..
Any idea how to make all the photos store on the 8 Gb sd card.....
Thanxx everyone.....
"The problem is that once it ie the mobiles sd card fills up the mobile stops to respond"

Transfer photos to a computer's hard drive, then reformat the SD card to make room for more pics.