Mobile Phones always got "Indentifying..." problem.. Help


May 18, 2013
Hi,i need so help from you guys.. lately i connect internet using my new phone, my computer always occur the "Identifying...No Network Access" along with "exclamation mark" with the internet icon like every 5-10mins ..

There is no problem occured like this before..i use a Alcatel x060s modem last when i bought a new phone (Sony Xperia V LT25i) and used it as internet connection(WiFi HotSpot/Thethering) with using the "D-Link AC750, Wireless AC Dual Band USB Adapter"..
It makes me gone rage with the Internet Connection.. and always does lag when playing games (Battlefield Play4Free)..

So, what can i do to make this problem gone forrrreeeverrrrrrrrrr !!!!!! D:

Just use a normal computer, with no addons gaming things..
Lastest i just install "D-Link AC750 wireless USB adapter" and just a Bluetooth Dongle from CLiPtec ..

*Info : I didn't use my phone when using my PC .. and i close all programs/apps .. the pc just like trolling me every like 5mins.. this makes me more annoying with it when using skype..always disconnected then back again -,- FFFFUUUUUUU-

Sorry for my bad english.
To be clear, you're using your phone as a wifi hotspot?
If this is the case, first, make sure you're allowed to do it with your phone company... if you're not, they might have a session timeout for this exact reason. Or, the phone has a bad connection to the internet, or your connection is running out of bandwidth when playing games, or you have too many devices running off that hotspot.
To be clear, you're using your phone as a wifi hotspot?
If this is the case, first, make sure you're allowed to do it with your phone company... if you're not, they might have a session timeout for this exact reason. Or, the phone has a bad connection to the internet, or your connection is running out of bandwidth when playing games, or you have too many devices running off that hotspot.