Mobo and RAM issue.


Jan 6, 2015
I know this has been addressed, just haven't had much time to research.
I have a M4A79XTD Evo and I bought some new RAM, installed it, and got just a
blinking HD led. I bought the same exact RAM that I have now. Everything matches. The mobo just won't recognize more then 8GBs at once, no matter what
DIMM slot configuration(and I have tried them all, a1 with a2, b1 with b2, etc..)
Could you guys please send me links to this problem being solved or helpful hints.
Like I said before didn't have much time to research, so I apologize. Thanks so much for your help in advance, you guys know your stuff!
I don't know much about RAM but, you might have some static damage on the sticks unless you rather recently bought them or, see if it still registers 8 gbs of RAM with less sticks.
Ok, called some tech support today and got some answers, don't know if they are right, but nevertheless got something. Asus says that the mobo is designed to handle 16 gigs, but you are more then likely not going to get 16 gigs. What?!! What does that even mean?! He continued by saying that I should have 1-2 sticks of 8 or 16 gigs, meaning I should only be utilizing 1-2 DIMM slots. WHAT?! If that's the case, why design a mobo with 4 DIMM slots! He finished by saying call Gskill and see what they could do for me. So I did, he told me to send him the RAM I bought and he will send me RAM that works with my mobo. THE OLD AND NEW RAM WORK FINE!! I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHY MY MOBO ISN'T RECOGNIZING ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!......I need advice, do I send the RAM I bought back to newegg, and get a different manufacturer, or do I take a chance and send it to gskill, where they claim to be able to "send me RAM that works with my motherboard" Any and all help is very appreciated.
Like I said I can't give you much help but, it sounds to me like he just said f*** you and have a nice day. I would call GSkill and see what they say about the RAM. Worst comes to worst you're going to want to get a new MOBO.