mobo connections help


Dec 3, 2006
alright, just a few questions on mobo connections with case and power supply.
~the 2 fans in my case have a 3 pin connector, and then a adapter on them that has 2 4 pin "legacy" power connectors, i notice that there are 2- 3 pin fan connectors on my mobo, so i just took off the adapters and used the 3 pin to connect each fan to the mobo, is this fine? whats the use of having the adapters? (i have a coolermaster mystique case, and a intel p965lt mobo, antec true power trio 650w psu)

~does it matter which of the sata ports i plug my hdd into?
~i got a wd raptor, and it came with a sata cable that on the hdd end, has a long connector a bout 2 to 3 inchs long, that include the sata port and something else, im assuming its a molex power connector as well, right now i have it connected using just a regular sata cable and a 4 pin "legacy" power plug, my psu cables do have the other slot which im assuming is molex, which looks like a elongated sata port, labeled as sata, should i keep with my current setup or switch to the "molex" or whatever it is.

i just took off the adapters and used the 3 pin to connect each fan to the mobo, is this fine?

More than fine, it's recommended because then the M/B can tell you if they are behaving improperly. The adapter is just another part that can fail.

~does it matter which of the sata ports i plug my hdd into?

I prefer to go in order, start with 1 or 0 whichever is first.

right now i have it connected using just a regular sata cable and a 4 pin "legacy" power plug, my psu cables do have the other slot which im assuming is molex, which looks like a elongated sata port, labeled as sata, should i keep with my current setup or switch to the "molex" or whatever it is.

What you refer to as Legacy is Molex, (Moldy). The one marked SATA is a SATA power connection. Where possible I use the SATA connections on a SATA drive.