Mobo fails to boot with power saving settings enabled?


Dec 25, 2016
Hi, I have a M5A97 R2.0 bundled with a FX-8350 at stock settings. It won't boot properly with following power saving settings enabled: C1E, C6, Cool n Quiet, APM master mode and EPU power saving setting.
Enable cool n quiet apm master. Disable the rest. Those 2 are not power saving, just the opposite, enabling the fx to reach turbo speeds and downplaying when idle. Epu settings have no business on s 125w cpu, the Epu alone putting a 40% cap on core load. Why anyone would intentionally set their pc to run at almost ½ it's ability is beyond me.
C1E and C6 are power states, simply means when the pc is put into sleep mode it uses less power over time, C6 being almost dead sleep reached after several hours. Usually C6 has psu issues with voltage limitations.

Thanks for the quick reply, I'll try this.