Mobo for pentium g3258

The ASrock says it has supported you processor since BIOS version P1.30, whether or not the board ships with that BIOS version I do not know.

MSI supports it but it doesn't say what BIOS version:


I'm a newbie in building pc. do motherboards have different bios version? for example the the z97 extreme 4 mobo from asrock are sold with different bios depending on release date or places?

Each motherboard has its own BIOS for it to work, z97 extreme 4s will have the same BIOS but a different model will have its own version. They're different between motherboard models, manufacturers and new BIOS version get released as BIOS updates to fix problems or improve things.

If you buy a motherboard before the next BIOS version it wont be shipped with that version since it doesn't exist yet or at least isn't available yet.

I don't think where the motherboard is matters, a motherboard from Australia should have the same BIOS as an American one, but that might not be true.

I meant a z87 board won't have the same BIOS as a b85 board, and a different manufacturer will probably use a different BIOS than a different manufacturer. I do wonder if a board in a different country might end up with a different BIOS to meet standards, I don't think that would ever happen but I guess it's possible.

Sorry, man.The post that you have quoted was a reply to the op and not you. I had refreshed my page too late to see that you had answered.