Mobo Ram CPU


Also true, but if he really wants it by all means... Maybe he want`s to create a makeshift SSD with the extra ram, entirely possible whilst being a bit redundant...
entry lvl + 16GB MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL !

save your money and get a 8GB kit games wont need more than that for at least 3-4 more years

get a better GPU instead and no u wont need to update the bios but i prefer doing so

8Gb is already the standard... Get the 16 if you want and then your already set for the future. It`s not that farfeched for your build anyway...
well b4 the PS4/XBone it wasn't the Standard games didnt even use more than 5gb ram

now games with the new engines are going north of 6.5GB

the only time i ever see Game reqs increase drastically is when a new game engine is out/when a new console is out

as i see it he is better off saving the money into something else. and when he needs the ram he can get another kit down the line

Also true, but if he really wants it by all means... Maybe he want`s to create a makeshift SSD with the extra ram, entirely possible whilst being a bit redundant...