MOBO Recommendations for a Budget Gamer


Sep 11, 2014
Looking to replace a failing ASRock MOBO, have an i7 with 16 GB rams with a one year old GTX 1060 (will eventually replace). What are some great MOBOs? Not sure I want to go back to ASRock, have had the ethernet port stop functioning, along with eradicate usb ports.

Price range around $150
Ah, yeah, that's pretty much going to be a new system, as it's going to be hard to find a replacement motherboard. Just on a quick search, PCPartPicker shows only 1 Z87 ATX board available for almost $300 USD, & only 1 Z97 ATX board available for almost $700 USD (,99&f=2&m=8,9,42,14,15,18,21,22,27,94,41,46,39,40&sort=price). At those prices, you might as well just go with a new system.