Mobo recommendations please


Nov 21, 2011
I have a very specific set of requirements. I'm trying to complete my red/black build and the motherboard is one of the final pieces I plan to replace. However, since I allocated freely on the other parts, I'm on a tight budget for the mobo.

The mobo needs to have a red/black theme (more red the better). If theres any red lighting like I've heard on some mobos, that would be great too, although I'm sure those kind would break my wallet. I won't be able to go over 200 USD, give or take some.

I don't overclock or run SLI/CF.

Nah, I'll be going for an Intel. Never been an AMD fan when it comes to CPUs. Right now I have an i5-3550, which is going to last me long enough till X99 becomes affordable perhaps? I don't edit or render, just game and browse. I guess I should change the question....should I get the Maximus Ranger VII and a i5-4460 now and be good for a couple of years at least, when it comes to gaming?