Mod your X800Pro to a XT

This news is teh $hiznit.

X800 PRO, here I come...

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9700 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 329/337)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @ 2208 Mhz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,876</b>
Is there any explicity and clear explanation somewhere on how to do it?

I read a couple of post from the other forum, but it's clear... We have to cut/short 1 or more bridges? And which one?

And the other point, is there an easy way to volt mod those cards?

What's the <b><font color=green>AMD Mobile Athlon 64</font color=green></b> overclocking potential? <b>It's huge!</b>
I tried it briefly with a pencil but that didnt do it so im gonna try some conductive paint tomorrow and try it proper. Volt modding these cards is easy. Be warned though I tried this on mine (1.41 to 1.45) and it kept cutting out when trying 3dmark 03 possibly due to over volt protection!

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<A HREF="" target="_new"> My rig </A>
Try disableing vpu recover. Just a thought.

Me: are you saying I can't provide?
Me: cause I know I can provide.
Me: oh and I can provide money too😉
Rachel:): why do we need money when we can just stay in our room and have sex all day?
Thanks for the link, very instructive and easier to do than I tought. I'm a graduate in electronics. :smile:

What's the <b><font color=green>AMD Mobile Athlon 64</font color=green></b> overclocking potential? <b>It's huge!</b>
Be warned though I tried this on mine (1.41 to 1.45) and it kept cutting out when trying 3dmark 03 possibly due to over volt protection!
It's probably the "current drwan cut-off", you might need to change the current limit setting with a pencil too. It's described in the 9800XT Volt modding article on VR-ZONE.

What's the <b><font color=green>AMD Mobile Athlon 64</font color=green></b> overclocking potential? <b>It's huge!</b>
Yeah I figured that aswell. Will try it tomorrow aswell as the volt mod is so easy to do and it works every time.

<A HREF="" target="_new"> My rig </A>
I wish I could try this tomorrow.. But I don't have a X800! Good luck!

What's the <b><font color=green>AMD Mobile Athlon 64</font color=green></b> overclocking potential? <b>It's huge!</b>
I'm kinda timid, I'd prefer trying to mod one of those empty boxes at Best Buy or FS first, and then maybe try the real thing if it succesfully gives me an X800XT BOX. :lol:

Pass the the nickel paint! :evil:

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