Modem Dial noises


Dec 31, 2007
dont you just hate those beeps a modem makes, dont you hate it even more when you tell windows to remove those noises and it doesnt, dont you just want to hit it..... Anyway does anyone know a registry key to turn off the noises when the windows options inside the modem properties doesnt do it. Or alternitively something in the modem i can flash to remove it (i have a diamond speedstar 56e). And its not a modem fault as i had it turned off, but i had to format and start again and suddenly wiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i dislike it a lot........ its evil

Bring on the T3 connection....

A Life, where can i download one of those from?
Hm... so you've tried turning the modem speaker off in its properties?

Please visit <b><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></b>
yep and thats whats pissing me off as it still hasnt turned off my modems speaker 🙁. I have also tried turning it on in the properties and then turning it off again etc, im not a total incompetant fool


A Life, where can i download one of those from?
I managed to solve the problem, i found the AT commands for the modem and added one to make it silent

Ahhh sweet silence


PS if anyone else has the same problem the added command was L0

A Life, where can i download one of those from?
Life is good...

Please visit <b><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></b>
not in the help files - in some site telling you how to disasemble a modem and change stings etc, thank god for google

A Life, where can i download one of those from?
I got this one from the networking forum.

Start / Settings / Control Panel / Modems / Properties / Connection / Advanced / and type "m0" in the extra settings box.

"Now drop your weapons or I'll kill him with this deadly jelly baby." :wink: