Modem distinction question


Jan 7, 2002
A friend of mine uses dial up to go onto the web. He just bought a desktop from DELL and DELL offered 2 modem choices:

A “telephony” modem and a “fax/modem”.

What is a ‘telephony modem’ and wouldn’t an ordinary ‘fax modem’ be suitable to dial up his ISP and occasionally send out a fax from his desktop?

Been 5 years or more since i bought a modem, so may be wrong on this, but bear with me.

Fax/modem is just that, works as a fax machine, or modem. Telephony modem may work as fax, can't remember, does work as modem, and often has line in and out so you can plug in mic and headphones/speakers(or daisy chain off sound card), and use your computer as a telephone.