Modem router networking question


Mar 10, 2014
Hi I have a setup which is currently using the modem router that was provided by my ISP as my modem (in bridge mode) and I have another modem router connected to it acting as the router.

NetComm nb604n (Bridged and acting as just modem) ----> TP-Link Archer D5 (acting as just router) ----> PC

I have got it set up where I have internet via ethernet to my PC and wifi for my phone / tablet devices. All this is controlled via the Archer D5. Wifi ssid /DHCP / isp info etc. is all on the D5.

I have set the D5 default gateway to and I can access the routers admin page through that. I was wondering if there is anyway I can set it so I can access the nb604n admin page as well by setting it to or something ?

Currently, to access the nb604n admin page ill have to unplug the ethernet cable from the D5 from my pc and plug it the nb604n directly to my PC. Even then it comes up with a funny ip address and no default gateway, I have to manually adjust it to be able to even access the admin page.

Can anyone with experience help me ? Basically what I want to do is have my current setup the way it is but be able to access both admin pages without having to unplug / replug stuff and adjusting IP for the nb604n everytime.

E.g have setup as :
NetComm nb604n (Bridged and acting as just modem) ----> TP-Link Archer D5 (acting as just router) ----> PC

and able to access admin pages for both nb604n on and Archer D5 on

is this possible ?
I have a similar situation. yes you can give each one a different ip address. The modem will have to stay, the router can be any, ex my modem router/acting as modem only is accessed at x.x.x.1 my router is at x.x.x.253, I also have a NAS at x.x.x.254/.
your modem will stay, on the config page for the router you should set the lan address to be sure you remove the .2 address from the DHCP pool of addresses. the reason mine are at 253, and 254 is those address are normally outside of the default ip pool.
Not very sure about the NAS part, but currently I have the modem set to and DHCP enabled, if i plug directly I can access the admin page. and I have set the DHCP pool for the modem to only -

For the router I have set the ip address to and DHCP enabled with DHCP pool

I can access my D5 router config at but I cant access the nb604n at unless directly connect to it. Im not sure which part I went wrong
my setup is as follows. Modem is acting as modem/router. Router is on AP mode. modem is giving out addresses and router is handling the wireless.
I know this isn't exactly like your setup, but we'll get it working. Turn off bridge mode on the modem. Set router to AP mode, to act as a wireless repeater/access point. set the lan address on the router to your choice. let the modem hand out all addresses x.x.x.100-x.x.x.254, in AP mode (router) the DHCP server is on the modem. I think this is where your problems are, too many cooks in the kitchen.

NAS is network attached storage, basically an external hard drive with an ethernet port
Ok im not too sure about AP mode, i doubt my nb604n has that option. However I tried something according to this thread (cascading routers):

I can now access both admin pages of each router and have internet on my PC as well as wireless output from my D5. Only thing is at my network page it seems to show 2 connections. Is this normal ?


Everything works as I want it to now, im just curious about this part where it shows 2 simultaneous connections