I have this case http://images.geeksimages.com/imageshare/L/300x300/L400C-2-unit.jpg sitting at home with a junk Win98 installation on it. Very odd design as is with most Dell cases, but was wondering if I could build a modern computer inside of this system for giggles. Maybe an i3 or Pentium based build not for gaming per se but more than capable of running modern programs speedily. The 3 issues I'm having here is Airflow, Not really knowing the Form Factor, and the PSU mount is in the middle of the case and folds inwards, which could get in the way of some things. If anyone knows more about the case I have maybe you could give me some pointers. Also yes I know this case is garbage from 199x but I want to attempt it, so please don't suggest purchasing modern cases or whatever.