Molex Surge/Overvoltage Protector?


Mar 9, 2013
Hi guys

I was wondering if you can get a surge/over voltage protector that can go In between male and female molex plugs? I have a cold cathode setup in my rig with a sound sensor. I wired the mic outside of my case and into the sub for better results . Anyway, with all the stories going around about inverters frying and taking out other system components and the fact that my soldering may not be 100% perfect (pretty good though), I wanted to play it safe. If iIcould get something that goes between the PSU molex string and the molex input on the sound sensor (which then powers a molex board with all my cathodes), that would be ideal.

Would a UPS stop short circuiting and over voltage inside the PC? I thought they only work for power going from the wall to the power supply. I want one in between the power supply and the cathode light system. Not sure if you have seen my other thread but somehow while plugging in an extra cathode (should have done it while the PC is off I know), a surge went back through to the PSU and out through the GPU power cables, into my first GTX 580 and down through the SLI bridge and into the second 580 taking out both cards. Unless I can find a fail safe way of running the lighting, I will be throwing them away.