Molex to 4-Pin for the CPU possible?


Mar 17, 2016
Hi, I recently started a PC build and decided to try and save some money and look at a couple of used parts. So I went on Craigslist and picked up a pair of Dell 20" monitors for $50. However, we got to talking and the guy also had a nice 750w modular PSU. I ended up buying it for $25 and felt pretty good about the purchase. It wasn't until I got home that I realized it was fully modular and some cables were missing.

There's no SATA power cables and no 4-pin ATX for the CPU. Since this is a budget build, I don't mind doing some splicing/soldering. My question is: can a molex connection power a CPU if I match the pins up correctly? I have an older, non-modular PSU to work with. I just don't want to spend any more money on additional connectors.
depends on the CPU. the molex has a single 12V line, whereas the CPU needs either 2 of them or 4 of them. if the CPU is a simple celeron that's no more than 50W, you MIGHT be ok.

but since you're handy, and if you have a dead power supply that can donate the cables, then take the modular one apart, figure out the GND, 12V, 5V pinouts, and start joining stuff together. you'd probably need to get some small barrel pieces, or simply remove the modular sockets and hard-wire it in.
Why not just contact the guy you bought the power supply unit off again.

There the sort of thing you don`t throw out, but keep just in case. no doubt he has them boxed up somewhere.
Cannot hurt to phone him again and ask can it ?

Or you can buy the modular cables from E-bay. for Modular power supply's.
Just put in the types of power connectors you need so modular psu sata.


I contacted the seller after I discovered this but he said he couldn't find any extra cables 🙁 I could use half of the 8-pin for my CPU but then I would have nothing for my GPU. The processor is an i3-4130 which states 54w as the usage, also I can't seem to find just a 4-pin ATX male to male cable anywhere.