Molex to 8 Pin adapter help

You need a new power supply. The 770 requires 42a on the 12v rail and you've only got 36

Even if you could get the right adapter your system would black out when you start any game
Keep in mind if the PSU doesn't have PCIXx8 port it might be for some reason... and this reason is most likely PSU power.
This card can drain up to 250 W which will be sucked from those 2 connectors, recommended minimum for that card + the rest of the PC will be like 550W of quality power.

thanks for the answer, i'll go for a Seasonic S12II-620 Bronze


Sounds great, enjoy :)

You gotta be joking mate... 42A*12V = 504W... thats double TDP this card has.
Its not the issue but the issue might be choosing correct rail since the PSU shows there is 2x18A.
I'm just guessing those 2x6 pins are on those different rails, also those molex lines are no those 2 rails, so the only problem is to find out which pair of 6pin + molex line will be using both rails not the same.

This Spire would be fine as far as above situation is solved... "try before buy" or you gonna just waste money.


The manufacturer gotta be joking, son. I didn't pull them numbers from the sky

I doubt you are at age of someone who could be ma father...can you provide any source of that information because it seems they do live in other universe where law of physics is messed?


Not for that exact card, but:

42A does seem a bit high though, I'll give you that.
Q9550(95W)+GTX295 (290W)+OCZ ModXstream Pro 500w

What would you say about above? Its my old config that was working overclocked for over 4 years... and yeah that PSU has also only 2x18A 12V rails while being drained by even more power hungry GPU.
Btw that PSU level was recommended for quite powerful cards few years ago:

This market is going crazy.... they would make you buy all new shiny 1kW PSU to supply GTX750 only if people would be stupid enough. So don't believe all they write... common sense is required.