So, to get right into it: I have a custom built pc, originally from CyberPower but since modified. A couple months ago, the whole thing stopped working, and since I was going away for a while, I opted to let a computer repair store fix it for me. They installed a new motherboard, when I got home I installed a new CPU.
Now, I'm fairly certain everything is wired correctly, but when I attempt to turn on the pc, the monitor turns on, the indicator light turns blue to indicate that a signal is received, all the fans start up, and no warning lights turn on. After a second or two, however, the monitor goes into standby mode, and says "No Signal Detected." After another few seconds, the monitor indicator light turns blue again, it looks like the screen begins to turn on, and then it reenters standby mode and once again says "No Signal Detected." This cycle continues indefinitely.
I've tried DVI and VGA, using both the GPU output and the motherboard output, with the GPU installed and uninstalled. The cables work to connect my laptop to the monitor. Whenever I try to search for similar problems, all the results are for pcs where everything starts up but the monitor consistently shows no display, so I haven't found anything helpful. Right now I'm leaving the motherboard battery out to try to reset CMOS, no idea if that will help.
Thanks for any help.
Now, I'm fairly certain everything is wired correctly, but when I attempt to turn on the pc, the monitor turns on, the indicator light turns blue to indicate that a signal is received, all the fans start up, and no warning lights turn on. After a second or two, however, the monitor goes into standby mode, and says "No Signal Detected." After another few seconds, the monitor indicator light turns blue again, it looks like the screen begins to turn on, and then it reenters standby mode and once again says "No Signal Detected." This cycle continues indefinitely.
I've tried DVI and VGA, using both the GPU output and the motherboard output, with the GPU installed and uninstalled. The cables work to connect my laptop to the monitor. Whenever I try to search for similar problems, all the results are for pcs where everything starts up but the monitor consistently shows no display, so I haven't found anything helpful. Right now I'm leaving the motherboard battery out to try to reset CMOS, no idea if that will help.
Thanks for any help.