My monitor in the last week has been having random flickers of black strips on the top of it. Then at times full blackout. I could still hear audio and things seemed fine. What just occurred is the line where I definitely need help so things don't get worse. My monitor blacked out, I lost all audio, my keyboard mouse and pc case lost all rgb, and processes seemed paused or something for a split second then i heard the device connected noise occuring. I don't know whats going on. When the first random black outs started, I switched to a different displayport cable to see if it would fix it. Nothing occured yet until now with that severe blackout or something. A while ago I was running with dual monitors until the pc was freezing. So I unplugged the monitor I bought to use to make my set up dual monitors and removing that new monitor stopped the crashes cuz it some how keep causing a GameInput Error. But currently I'd like to fix the flickering before I head into a dual monitor setup again. I also updated my GPU Drivers.
Specs I assume could be an issue:
GPU - Asus KO RTX 3060
Current Monitor - Acer ED273a
Monitor used for dual monitors with current - LG 32GN600
PSU - Corsair RM850x
Display Cable - Ivanky 8K DisplayPort 1.4
Specs I assume could be an issue:
GPU - Asus KO RTX 3060
Current Monitor - Acer ED273a
Monitor used for dual monitors with current - LG 32GN600
PSU - Corsair RM850x
Display Cable - Ivanky 8K DisplayPort 1.4