Alright, here's the story.
I bought an AOC 2460PF 144hz monitor. I mostly play Overwatch and have noticed that even at the slightest movements everything but my character becomes very blurry. So if I'm trying to land a headshot it's quite impossible. I can barely see the outlines of charactery when the action starts.
Yes it is set to 144hz before you ask. I haven't been able to wrap my head around it as to why this happens. One thing I have noticed in the Nvidia options is when I set the monitor to native resolution it gives me 50hz, 59hz and 60hz and then there's PC below that which gives me 120 and 144. Is this monitor not a GENUINE 144hz monitor?
Yesterday I tried the 60hz options and it is so stuttery it renders the game unplayable. I tried my cheap 60hz monitor and it's way smoother at 60hz. This literally feels like fast stop motion. Anybody know anything about these things? How can I test this monitor for faultiness? Why is everything in the background blurry when I move?
Any help would be much appreciated.
P.S. even when I scroll my mouse when reading a text it momentarily blurs everything. I get nauseated and have headaches from this effect. I've looked at their website and it says PERFECT IMAGES WITH NO BLURRING or something like that. Either they are lying COMPLETELY or this monitor is faulty.
I bought an AOC 2460PF 144hz monitor. I mostly play Overwatch and have noticed that even at the slightest movements everything but my character becomes very blurry. So if I'm trying to land a headshot it's quite impossible. I can barely see the outlines of charactery when the action starts.
Yes it is set to 144hz before you ask. I haven't been able to wrap my head around it as to why this happens. One thing I have noticed in the Nvidia options is when I set the monitor to native resolution it gives me 50hz, 59hz and 60hz and then there's PC below that which gives me 120 and 144. Is this monitor not a GENUINE 144hz monitor?
Yesterday I tried the 60hz options and it is so stuttery it renders the game unplayable. I tried my cheap 60hz monitor and it's way smoother at 60hz. This literally feels like fast stop motion. Anybody know anything about these things? How can I test this monitor for faultiness? Why is everything in the background blurry when I move?
Any help would be much appreciated.
P.S. even when I scroll my mouse when reading a text it momentarily blurs everything. I get nauseated and have headaches from this effect. I've looked at their website and it says PERFECT IMAGES WITH NO BLURRING or something like that. Either they are lying COMPLETELY or this monitor is faulty.