Monitor don't work mouse and keyboard

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Dec 24, 2014
I need help please.
In BIOS i disabled somthing in SATA, i disabled all in SATA and rebooted and nothing work.
When i start computer, on the monitor is "NO SIGNAL" Mouse blink for 3 sec and then turn off.

I tried moving pins from 1-2 to 2-3 and then back to 1-2. I tried replacing battery in side the motherboard. Taked it and put it back. But don't work...

Please fast help and Merry Christmas!
I would start by entering the bios and selecting the choice to reset to default for all the values and then restart the machine, and in the future don't make random bios changes -- have a good reason and an understanding of each change before starting.
How, my monitor don't work. I have Asus motherboard. Please read what i say.
Monitor don't work keybord and mouse, i see mouse lights about 3 sec and then turns off.
Exactly where in your earlier posts did you say that you also deleted your OS? And you do know that Windows comes on a DVD, right?

Try to clearly express your issue, first you screwed up your bios and cannot boot and now independently your monitor does not work and you deleted your OS and have no disk?

It you don't even have basic troubleshooting skills and cannot communicate the problems other than "it don't work" you will not get anywhere, so your best bet would be to seek local assistance.
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