Monitor for the 1080TI


Apr 2, 2017
Alright so I was going to originally buy a 1080 144 and just get a 4k when prices drop but figured i'd be bottlenecking, so instead going to pickup a 1440p Monitor.

- How important is response time, is there a huge difference between 1 and 5 ms?
- Freesync/Gsync/Adaptive sync? Is this a must for a gaming monitor?

Just generally need some guidance in terms of what I should be looking at pricepoint-wise/specs wise.

Money isn't an issue but don't want to be blowing stupid money on this, if i'm going to upgrade in a year or so.

What type of games do you play? IMO Freesync/Gsync is good to have at lower refresh rates (100 and under) but I doubt you'll notice it at around 144hz+ as long as you have a pretty consistent FPS. If your going to upgrade in a year or so then TBH I'd probably going with a sub $300 1440P/60hz monitor. Personally I feel like 1440P/144hz or going 3440/1440P/100hz is the sweet spot for gaming now and would pair well with that GTX 1080 ti.

The difference between 1 & 5ms is really only noticeable in FPS and some racing games so if you play those types of games then I'd probably go for a 1 or 2ms monitor.
Nah, not even then.
I do SC2 semi-professionally and I can't tell a difference, especially since '1ms' response times are generally taken with extreme monitor overdrive on for marketing purposes.
1ms monitors work out about 4.5ms, and 4ms montors average around 5ms.
This is probably the best deal atm, IPS 1440p panels are expensive rn.