I recently bought a new rig but i'm having problems with the GTX 1060 and it not showing up on my monitor (HP LV2011). The monitor has one VGA port while the 1060 has a DVI-D Dual port, an HDMI port, and Display port. I bought an HDMI to VGA converter so my monitor could connect to the GPU HDMI slot. Whenever i plug the VGA into the adapter however, the monitor says it is going to sleep and goes into standby mode? This is the adapter i'm using: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/insignia-hdmi-to-vga-adapter-black/1577417.p?skuId=1577417&extStoreId=&ref=212&loc=1&ksid=c4e11d91-35b3-434e-88f9-3f7d45a2ba23&ksprof_id=3&ksaffcode=pg234315&ksdevice=c&lsft=ref:212,loc:2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtpDMBRC4ARIsADhz5O5RN-isRCEKZ2AKJ7xrYl4mUBeHtjZbTrPlwP5I-5x_FsF6DgQFdywaAtZdEALw_wcB
All drivers are up to date.
i7 7700
Asus Prime H270 Plus Motherboard
GTX 1060
And not sure about power supply but it's enough.
All drivers are up to date.
i7 7700
Asus Prime H270 Plus Motherboard
GTX 1060
And not sure about power supply but it's enough.