monitor hz on games

because my monitor have 75 hz and i need to use 60 hz for only one game , so changing it every time that i exit the game will be very annoying.

the game in question is fifa 19 demo , and the game only have the option to lock the fps but can´t change the hz on the game , so playing it at 60 fps but with 75 hz on monitor is not a good experience . so I have to change the hz on monitor every time to 60 hz , since the game doesn´t run well on 75hz . I didin´t understand why it doesn´t run well on 75 hz yet because the fifa 18 run well ....
Can you explain/describe the differences you are seeing when you run the game at 75 and when you run the game at 60? There should be no reason that the game would "run well" on one but not the other, so I want to hear your definition of "runs well", or explain the problems you're seeing at 75 that you DON'T see at 60.

the image is much slower if I set monitor to 75 hz and can´t reach to 75hz and I have much of fps dros , and at 60 hz the game is locked to 60 fps . The fifa´s make the game run at 60 fps on 60 hz and 75 fps at 75hz but the game only let you to lock to 60 fps .... so I can´t change the hz on the game itself . In this fifa the game can´t reach to 75 fps I don´t why , because it´s a demo yet maybe . So I have to play the game at 60 hz on my monitor .
Well, there are lots of issues here, so I'll just answer your original question...there MIGHT be a way to do it through your graphics driver/properties. Most graphic utilities (like NVidia Control Panel) allow you to set "profiles" for each individual game.

I'll just assume Nvidia, but AMD should have something similar. On the Nvidia Control Panel, find the Manage 3d Profiles on the left. Once you click that you should see two tabs: Global and Program Settings. Go to the Program Settings tab, and find your game. Now look for a setting called "VSync". You can set this to 60 for your game.

That doesn't change your MONITOR settings, but it will limit the game to running at 60fps...which should be NO PROBLEM on a 75hz monitor, but there ya go. Hope that helps.

I have an AMD GPU but even setting to 60 fps on limit the game detects the monitor as being on 60 hz so even with 60 fps limits on amd software the game runs at more then 60 fps , the problem is that is very unstable .