Monitor loses signal, GPU fan increase when playing a game


Dec 13, 2016
So about 4 days ago i upgraded my GPU and installed a Heatsink.
Before i changed my GPU(GTX 750Ti) everything works fine, But when i change my old GPU to a new one(GTX1060) whenever i want to play a game, my monitor loses signal but i can still hear the gameplay.
is it because of my PSU?. And i'm new to the computer stuff, so hope you guys can help me out.

Hey man, this is an extremely common problem. And you're most likely correct - it is your PSU!
You may get other suggestions, but i wouldn't waste my time with any of them until after you've replaced your PSU.
If we take a look at your PSU, i'd bet it is a T5 or worse - not listed. Your PC doesn't need a lot of power, in fact it needs very little, maybe 500W. BUT! not all power supplies are made equal, and start to have power fluctuations and loss when they are pushed. A high quality power supply won't do this, and will provide the GPU all the amps it needs on the 12v line.

And that is exactly what is happening, your PC depends on 12v power to function, when your GPU tries to suck up more 12v amps than the PSU is ready to provide...
Hey man, this is an extremely common problem. And you're most likely correct - it is your PSU!
You may get other suggestions, but i wouldn't waste my time with any of them until after you've replaced your PSU.
If we take a look at your PSU, i'd bet it is a T5 or worse - not listed. Your PC doesn't need a lot of power, in fact it needs very little, maybe 500W. BUT! not all power supplies are made equal, and start to have power fluctuations and loss when they are pushed. A high quality power supply won't do this, and will provide the GPU all the amps it needs on the 12v line.

And that is exactly what is happening, your PC depends on 12v power to function, when your GPU tries to suck up more 12v amps than the PSU is ready to provide, it becomes starved, and crashes.

Extremely common problem with a very easy fix!

Thx for the answer, on my way to pick up a power supply. i'll update you on what'll happen


IT IS THE PSU, i changed it to 500W PSU and it fixed the problem. thanks a bunch

i know this thread was from a couple months ago, but I am having the same issue and my PSU is a TR2 600W... its brand new as well so dust isn't an issue. any suggestions?