Monitor Not Connecting to Newly Upgraded Computer


Nov 28, 2015
I've had this computer for a few years, and I recently upgraded its PSU, CPU, and motherboard. My current specs are:
Case: Default for HP Pavillion P7-1234
Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-78LMT-USB3 AM3+
CPU: AMD FX-6300
PSU: Rosewill ARC-650
GPU: GIGABYTE Windforce GTX 660
HDD: 1 Tb (Default for HP Pavillion P7-1234)
Now, the problem is that when I plugged everything in and booted it, the monitor wouldn't respond to it and would not turn on with the computer. I've tried using a different monitor, and I've tried taking out the GTX 660 and using the integrated graphics, but I still haven't had any luck. Please help me if you can, I'm not sure what else I can do.

I've had my current gpu for awhile, so I'm assuming the drivers are still intact, but the motherboard came with a drivers disc. Should I attempt to put that in without my monitor being on to see what happens? Note: I haven't even like, actually done anything on the computer due to how I have not had a monitor to configure anything.
Forget my last post, we can come back to the drivers if necessary.

Just checked your motherboard and it has onboard graphics which means you may have to change your BIOS settings.

Try this:

1. COnnect your monitor to the onboard graphics.
2. Boot your PC once it has connected.
3. Is your monitor powered on now?
You have to uninstall the GPU drivers man because you are using other motherboard now and its struggling to give you image with that version of drivers. You have to enable integrated graphics from BIOS (if PEG) change it and if monitor works (need a few restarts to see something) go and uninstall GPU drivers and install again.

I did this and no, the monitor has not turned on.

I've done all I can to try to even get the monitor to connect to the computer and get it to respond when I turn on the computer, so I'm not exactly able to uninstall anything because I can't see anything.

Yes to everything. I've tried it with a different monitor as well.
I know you can't see anything but does your PC sound like it is booting up or is it dead?

Couple of things to try if possible and remember this is a game of trial and error until you find the fault so we just eliminate causes.

1. Plug your monitor into another PC and test that it is working. Is it working?

2. Carry out a POST test as you start the PC. Just google "POST test for <insert name of PC manufacturer here>". The way the POST test works is you hear beeps as you start the PC, you may hear a combination of beeps which you check on the website for your manufacturer and this will show us what the problem is (hopefully).
If all that not working i think you have bad hard drive. Some drivers are not compatible with the components and struggle to show up display. I had this problem before and its solved after many restarts. I restarted the pc many times (20) until its figures out what to do with the display...Thats not a technical method but its working because its like MBR fix (Boot failure fix). Make sure you figure out that the monitor is working like Rabmac says, before you make something with you hard drive...

Plugged monitor into another pc and it works perfectly. I also can not perform a POST test because I do not have a speaker in my computer.

I've had this computer for around 2 years now, and I only upgraded my PSU, CPU, and Mb, not sure why my hard drive would be going bad. Also, I've restarted it numerous times with no differing results, and I'm 100% sure my monitor works. I'm assuming it's either a faulty motherboard or cpu at this point that they sent me.

Oh wait you upgraded CPU and MB. Thats a result for us right now because there is no drivers and registries right installed for the new one, MB. You have to clean your disk but that should not be necessary. But in this case it is. The GPU drivers are registered for the previous MB. Not all MB are the same... Before installing the new stuff you had uninstall MB and GPU drivers. But how i see you don't. You have to either format the disk or clean memory.

Try this:

1. Shutdown your pc
2. Switch off the power supply from the back
3. Remove power cable from the power supply
4. Open your case and remove the RAMs
5. Put the power supply cable back in
6. Switch on power supply
7. Wait for 10 minutes with out RAMs. DONT TURN ON THE PC, Only let it on power for 10 minutes.
8. After 10 min switch power supply off
9. Open case and put the RAMs again into the motherboard (slot 1,3 or 2,4)
10. Switch on the power supply and turn the pc on.