Monitor not receiving signal from graphics card.

Cody Wol

Aug 5, 2015
So I have a dell xps 8300. The graphics card I realized in it was starting to have issues with keeping up with the new games that are coming out so I decided it was time for an upgrade. I bought a PSU EVGA 750W 120-G1-0750-XR RT to power my new graphics that had a minimum wattage of 750. The graphics card I bought is R9-280A-TD, it fits in my computer and the fans run but my monitor is not receiving a signal. I saw some advice on other threads and they said to switch it to my main graphics card in the BIOS and I can't seem to find anything with Graphics in my BIOS. I've tried uninstalling my drivers but still no signal. I was hoping to get some help.

Much appreciated for any help.

Try using different output methods. If you are using DVI, switch to HDMI output. Sometimes the DVI port doesn't work well with graphics card because it doesn't support it in their drivers. For example, I have an Acer S21HL monitor and DVI mostly fails to be recognized by my R9 270, but HDMI 100% always works.

So switch output methods and see if your mointor detects any signals. If it doesn't then it could be one of the following reasons:
1) Windows OS isn't detecting, try to force enable it.
2) Prebuilt computers, like your XPS, HP, etc.. sometimes have a locked bios that locks in hardware to prevent the users from changing it out for warranty or other purposes. So you might have one of those locked computers.
If you can return the card do it now, you are victim number 2 with the same issue for me within this week

AMD GPU compatibility issues. Sapphire is compatible all, including high end. All others are hit and miss starting roughly from R7 370 and up. XFX is not compatible at all, Asus hit and miss, MSI mostly compatible.

Now I am "upgrading" my statement and will include R9 280.

I would encourage purchasing Sapphire since it has DUAL BIOS, Legacy and UEFI with a switch.

I guess you haven't even read that post clearly. The reference forum was about the PC bios having an issue not even the card itself.

Which post, the one I provided link about, I am the one who posted there, LOL, read again. GPU also have BIOS, so you know.

I read the entire thing and you assumed this case is the same as last related to gpu bios. This is not a gpu bios failure you know. And that post you referenced didn't even get a selected answer to a solution, which means yours isn't right either.

His monitor is not receiving any signal but all the fans and everything is running, meaning that there is an inherent glitch somewhere. I've solved many of these cases on this forum and i can guarantee 100% these cases are not related to gpu bios issue. This is a recognition problem between the OS, mobo, and potential gimped gpu card out of the box.

To suggest an immediate refund without even trying to determine and test the obvious solution is not the way to fix things. Asking this person to return the gpu and buy a new one will also result in the same situation he will be in.
OK, you can keep your point, and if you keep OP with this card, OP can loose all that money, if it happened it will be on you, agreed?

Just may I ask you, from your solved problems, how many of them where XPS 8300, or XPS 8500 or XPS 8700?

How about Dell BIOS, I had many Dells in my life, including XPS older generation, back in the days when Alienware was independent, so I had top of the Dell's line with locked BIOS. Do you know that the latest XPS 8700 could not get any latest NVIDIA GTX 900 cards until Dell created new BIOS update? They reported that all fans where working, but monitors where black....

Do you know that Dell does not provide BIOS updates for a long time, so if new cards come with UEFI BIOS older Dells can not support it, fans will turn, but no signal will be processed by GPU. OP motherboard latest BIOS dated 2011, those AMD series where not on drawing board yet, what support OP PC can get, NONE.
At this time, so far only Sapphire has DUAL BIOS with a switch, so it is most likely will work in any Dells, all other manufacturers luck based on trial and error.....

I rest my case, enough said.

You've obviously never even read my comment first time clearly enough. I listed possibilities why his computer is doing that. And one of them I listed explains that these prebuilt computers may have a locked bios preventing hardware changes. HP has done that in the past..

So before you start going on a random outbursts or start blaming people, next time actually read the suggested solutions and answers before exacting your personal solution is the right one. It's quite hilarious right of from the start you are blaming me for attributing to him wasting his money when I said to try several solutions before returning to the retailer. Especially if this person bought the card online, it will cost him extra for shipping.

And your assumption of buying a switchable graphic bios is bad. Fact is if the prebuilt computer has locked hardware changes in the bios, it doses't matter if the graphics card has a legacy bios or not. It won't work that way.

BlueManTheSecond said:
Okay, so I just bought and installed a Sapphire R9 290 TRI-X OC in my 8300......
This card has a switch on it (edit GPU BIOS switch between Legacy and UEFI). With the switch in one direction the machine will power up but with no display. In the other direction it seems to work fine.


This product supports both Legacy and UEFI BIOS. By factory default, the card itself is under Legacy mode. By pressing the button with SAPPHIRE logo, UEFI mode will be easily enabled.


meat_loaf said:
You've obviously never even read my comment first time clearly enough. I listed possibilities why his computer is doing that. And one of them I listed explains that these prebuilt computers may have a locked bios preventing hardware changes.

Come back and see, you listed yours and I listed mine based on tomshardware post, which was actually based on Dell Community Forum post I just quoted, so I don't see any disruptions there.
You think you have the most possible solution and I have the same opinion about mine, I did not say that you are WRONG, am I.

In the next post
meat_loaf said:
I guess you haven't even read that post clearly. The reference forum was about the PC bios having an issue not even the card itself.

You did not finish reading everything, at the beginning of the thread the conversation was about PC BIOS, but when it was realized that PC BIOS has no access to certain features, I turn conversation to GPU BIOS, you obviously did not see that part when you accused me for not reading my link.

What else.

Accused you? Nope where did I say you were wrong? I said you assume the solutions too early without even testing alternatives to determine if its the gpu itself rather than anything else. You should read closely about the what he is saying. When computer boots up and all the fans and gpu fans are running but no screen, it generally means something else rather than gpu bios being incompatible.

If you did even the slight research of the R9 280 he bought, which is an XFX card, it doesn't even have a UEFI bios on that card. This means that it just using a regular bios and should not be causing any conflicts. His card might very well be a gimped card right out of the box.