Monitor Not Showing


Jul 26, 2015
Hi, can someone please help me. I just built a computer and when I tried turning it on, the monitor does not show anythign. All my components such as graphics card, CPU and fans are working. I also checked the plugs and they are in the right place however there is no sound or anything that shows on the screen. I read a post which said the motherboard is broken however I hope this is not the case as I only bought it yesterday. Can anyone please tell me what is it that I am doing wrong?
So the Graphics card is definitely seated correctly? And the power connectors are plugged in correctly? The next thing to try is put Graphics card in a different PC and see if it works then. If it doesn't I would say you have a faulty card.

yeah I tried however it is still just black screen with the popup "No Source Signal". I checked my monitor and it works perfectly for my laptop and I also tried plugging it into the graphics card slot but still no luck
So the Graphics card is definitely seated correctly? And the power connectors are plugged in correctly? The next thing to try is put Graphics card in a different PC and see if it works then. If it doesn't I would say you have a faulty card.

umm would the problem be shortage of power? because I have a i7-4790k with 16 g of corsair vengeance red pro ram and also a msi gtx 960 4g but I only put 430 W in. Before when I took out my graphics card and only had 8 g of ram in, windows showed but after that when I added both my graphics card and another 8g it just stopped

My current specs are:

-Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H-A Motherboard
-MSI GTX960 4G
-16G Corsair Vengeance Pro Red
-250G Samsung EVO SSD
-4TB WD Blue
-CX430 Powersupply

My CPU is running fine now with 16 G of ram but when I try to put in my graphics card, it doesn't show. Also, my SSD isn't showing up when I checked. Is it because of the shortage in power supply that it won't show on my desktop?

Both my WD 4TB and SSD are detected in Bios mode and I just tried moving it onto another pc to try. The PC did turn on and the lights and fans are moving correctly, however when I move it back to the current PC, the fans seem to move for a while on the GPU and then stop.

edit: I also noticed that even if the PC had started, it would run at a really slow rate, taking around 3-4 minutes to fully boot up while having the i7 as well. I am stuck on what to do

yeah there was a display on the other pc, and the fans never stopped unlike my current pc which stops after 10 seconds and does not even bother to start up
Also as for the SSD try this.

Go the start button and right click on Computer
Click on Manage
The window that opens should have a Storage category with Disk Management
Click on Disk Management, highlight your drive and initialize it to make it active
Let me get this straight I have confused myself by answering to many threads at once.

Is this a new build? If not has it worked previously?
You mention the motherboard is new. Is that the only thing that is new?
If you have only just installed the motherboard. use the earlier configuration you mentioned when you got windows to appear and update the bios then try adding your GPU back.

It works after following your steps, thanks !! but for the GPU, is it just my motherboard that's not compatible with the GPU as if I try to install it on again, it won't start up

The other two slots are so small and I have to turn the graphics card upside down. I don't think its those because the side wouldn't fit


ahh i randomly just did it, now its booting with the gpu. thank you so much for your help. I don't think i would've been able to do it without you. thanks again !

I updated Bios and also changed the monitor plug into the GPU hdmi slot. I think the bios update pretty much allowed the motherboard to recognize the gpu.

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