Monitor out of range after GPU swap


Oct 8, 2017
So i recently had quite a big upgrade from an amd hd 6670 to a gtx 1060.
After deleting old amd drivers and installing new geforce ones and trying it out in a game i had no problems, or rather didn't notice any problems. After i launched a game, it didn't give much performance boost but i blamed it on my CPU and just went with it (since some not CPU heavy games like fortnite ran on the best settings with just some lag spikes). But I soon relised that whenever I tabbed out of the current game, there was a chance for it to say "Monitor out of range" than display the desktop for half a second and give the same "Monitor out of range" message repeatedly. I only was able to solve this with turning my monitor off and on again (wich doesn't works sometimes).

I have no idea, what is happening here, I asked multiple people working in IT or just working with computers as a hobby, and non of them were able to give anwsers.

Also some bonus infromation.
CPU: AMD fx 6350
GPU (old): AMD HD 6670
GPU (new): GTX 1060 6gb
Monitor: 1280x1024 60hz
Cable: HDMI with a DVI adapter on my monitor since it's old

the out of range thing doesnt happen on booting into windows so this wont really solve it, although thanks for the quick reply :)