Monitor Problem **HELP**


Feb 27, 2013
Hi, its been over a year since i bought my new graphics card, since then i have purchased a DVI cable which worked fine for couple of months. Then i start experiencing problems like when i switch the computer on, i have weird lines appearing which then i have to disconnect the DVI cable and then reconnect, then it works. Sometimes i hear weird sounds but don't seem to know if it comes from the graphics card or the monitor. The monitor is old. It accepts DVI and VGA, when i had VGA it worked fine. But now i'm getting frustrated of doing the same thing every time. My PC Specs are:Intel i7 3770 Processor16GB Ram1TB Hard DriveGPU: Gigabyte GTX 660 OCI was hoping to get this issues solved as soon as possible. I was also thinking to purchase a DVI to HDMI if that would solve the problem. So i would connect the DVI to the monitor and HDMI to the Graphics card. Please let me know as soon as possible.
Thanks, Hassan