Monitor reading my "HDMI" as "DVI"?

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Sep 28, 2018
The other morning, I attempted to connect my BenQ GL2460HM 1080p monitor to my PlayStation4 but there was no signal coming through. At first I began to think it was my console but it wasn't. I tried connecting my monitor to my PC as my second monitor. It worked but I saw that the resolution was actually 1024x768. I've tried updating my graphics drivers already and even rolling back to previous version but still no fix. I then looked into the NVIDIA Control Panel and noticed that my monitor is reading my HDMI as a DVI. Is there any fix or solution?
Oh, and my settings on my monitor also reads the following: current resolution: 1024x768 / optimum resolution: 1920x1080

How do I fix my monitor from reading my HDMI as DVI and it being in 1024x768 rather than 1920x1080?

UPDATE: I attempted at leaving my monitor unplugged completely from the PC AND POWER overnight, but still no use. The resolution is still shrinked down to 1024x768

My sincerest apologies if I post on the wrong forum or thread
Try disconnecting the monitor from power for a minute. Usually problems with detecting correct resolution just need a restart to fix.

Also, HDMI is basically an extension to the DVI standard, so detecting an HDMI device as "DVI" is not itself a problem, I often have DVI monitors that are detected as HDMI or vice versa. They're both the same thing, really.

Updated! My apologies, my question is "How do I fix my monitor from reading my HDMI as DVI and it being in 1024x768 rather than 1920x1080?"
Try disconnecting the monitor from power for a minute. Usually problems with detecting correct resolution just need a restart to fix.

Also, HDMI is basically an extension to the DVI standard, so detecting an HDMI device as "DVI" is not itself a problem, I often have DVI monitors that are detected as HDMI or vice versa. They're both the same thing, really.

I have a prebuilt "compact" model PC from ASUS so I have not messed with any of the insides of it. I dont know myself how to open it up and do it myself

edit: also, the monitor only shows a screen when on HDMI. I've tried changing the input.

It's been about two days and I've left the monitor off but still connected via power strip, but I'll be sure to completely pull the power from it.

And thank you for the information on HDMI and DVI , but im still confused as to why my monitor displays at 1024x768 rather than FHD (1080p)
Even when I go to my monitor settings itself, it shows the active resolution at 1024x768 but it knows that its optimum is 1920x1080
and also, I believe its my monitor itself because when I tried connecting my PS4 in the morning, it showed no signal. Just a black screen.
Question from viperx214 : "Why is my HDMI being read as a DVI?"

I made a post already,
But I'm creating another post because I know the general source of my problem.
I don't know why it's happening. but I'd like to know why it's happening and how to fix it.
TL;DR one of my HDMI ports on my prebuilt ASUS compact PC reads my HDMI cable as a DVI and scales down the resolution from 1920x1080 down to 1024x768 and I'd like to know how to fix it.
I know it's my PC and that port because:
1) I've used various HDMI cables to test the problem
2) I've tested it out on 3 different monitors
3) The problem only occurs in that specific port
Question from viperx214 : "Why is my HDMI being read as a DVI?"

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