Question Monitor switches back to horizontal when switching to other PC using blackbox.

Jan 30, 2020
Hello Forum.

I use two PC's at work, and one of them is where i get my mail. I use a blackbox model KV6202A to switch between PC's.
I wanted to add a second monitor so i could always have my mails displayed if something important came in.
I want to have the monitor vertical, so i rotated the display by 90° in display settings, which is working just fine when the blackbox is switched to that PC.
The problem is, that whenever i switch to the other PC, the first one rotates the second monitor back to horizontal. Is there a way to fix this?
One of the pc's have a NVIDIA Quadro 5010M and the other one has a AMD Radeon HD 6350.
Bios and drivers are up to date on the NVIDIA PC, but the other PC is managed by the corporation, so i'm not entirely sure with that one.
The PC that has a problem with maintaining settings is the one with AMD