Monitor turns off, GPU fan 100%, followed by system freeze

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Sep 17, 2012
450 W PSU
Diamond ATI Radeon HD 4870

After the above happens, I usually have to hard shut down the computer. Sometimes when I start it up again too quickly the screen BSODs and I see artifacts/screen disturbance. If I leave it alone for a while and come back, it works perfectly fine.

I've had this computer for a really long time and had overheating problems with the GPU, but fixed that with new thermal paste. I've only recently ran into this current problem of system crashing, and screen turning off, and it happens randomly whether or not in a game.

I've kept track of GPU-Z logs in the background. Here are the readings (I'll only show the last couple before a crash).

This one is when I was gaming:

Date, GPU Core Clock [MHz] , GPU Memory Clock [MHz] , GPU Temperature [°C] , Fan Speed (%) [%] , Fan Speed (RPM) [RPM] , GPU Load [%] , GPU Temp.(DISPIO) [°C] , GPU Temp.(MEMIO) [°C] , GPU Temp.(SHADERCORE) [°C] , Memory Usage (Dedicated) [MB] , Memory Usage (Dynamic) [MB] , VDDC [V] , VDDC Current [A] , VDDC Phase #1 Temperature [°C] , VDDC Phase #2 Temperature [°C] , VDDC Phase #3 Temperature [°C] ,

2013-01-05 12:53:36 ,750.0 ,1000.0 ,58.0 ,40 ,2706 ,69 ,58.0 ,70.5 ,62.5 ,325 ,74 , 1.2625 ,44.7 ,75 ,78 ,75 ,

2013-01-05 12:53:37 ,200.0 ,3196.9 ,-1.0 ,100 ,0 ,100 ,32767.5 ,32767.5 ,32767.5 ,325 ,74 ,- ,0.0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,

The same thing happens when I'm watching a video, except with less GPU temps (50ish average for all), and the same crash result of -1.0 and the weird 32767.5 numbers...So I don't think it's an overheating issue, as these temperatures seem fine.

Any ideas guys?


Nov 28, 2012
If u r system (processor,gpu,smps)fan has any damage the system overheat quickly so protect from more damage the system shutdown without any error message like bluescreen message.
so check all fans are working correctly and clean the dust from cpu.
But u r system is not shutdown which means software problems and also virus issues.
so update os and all softwares. scan full system *superantispyware* freeware before start scan disconnect all network and remove all usb drives.


Nov 28, 2012
Not solved update bios and all firmwares. insert new cmos battery. install clean os also format all drives. u r system is cure from virus and spywares etc...
after install os update os. os automatically install drivers ,install avg freeware or any av programs u like. update av. then install any applications.


Sep 17, 2012
Thanks for the fast replies!

I recently looked at my Error logs in the Event Viewer, and found a BUNCH of errors with Bonjour service (Apple product), I reinstalled that, waiting to see if that fixes anything...

Another Error I see is HAL code 12 which is around the same time as the bonjour service.. I read around and that said to update BIOS, so I'm gonna try to do that and let you guys know.

PS. I really don't think it's a heat issue.. I FurMark stressed my card and the highest it goes is 70 C under full load, with VDDC temps at 90ish which I read is fine. I did this for about 15 mins with no problems... so that shouldnt happen if I'm watching a video online.

I'll keep you guys posted!


Sep 17, 2012
Sorry I haven't updated the situation in a while, i was on vacation. Now that I am back, I just had the issue again and completely removed Bonjour and all Apple stuff as I don't really use it.

Another thing I noticed is that I got a Critical Error in the error log. I looked around and one of the solutions was to disable one of my Audio drivers (I had 2). I did that, and so far, in combo with the removal of Bonjour, I get no more errors (At least for the past 5 mins including boots/reboots/sleeps)... I'll update later.


Sep 17, 2012
I don't think those were the issues either.. as i was still having crashes..

I finally realized the problem (I think...99% sure)... when i crash, my ATI HD4870 lights up on the back in section D1603 which means power connector B is disconnected.

It wasn't disconnected, but when i unplugged it and looked inside it the pins were a bit pushed back... so i pushed them back forward and haven't had problems since. I hope this continues though...

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