Monitor won't exit power save mode on start up

Deborah Hollins

Jan 3, 2015
I have a Dell monitor and an xps running windows 8. I used the msconfig to start my computer in safe mode (to fix a control panel problem) and then when I restarted my computer, the monitor won't exit power save mode. It seems the computer is running fine but the monitor isn't booting up properly.

I have tried disconnecting all cables and plugs and restarting but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.


Hi: Thanks for responding. The problem is that the monitor won't exit power save mode so I can't see to go back to msconfig and uncheck safe mode. It's as though by entering safe mode my monitor went into power save mode.

I've tried the monitor on another computer and it's working fine. It must be the 'safe mode' configuration?

That would be really weird. All safe mode does is load general, non-vendor specific drivers. Did it ever boot in safe mode when you set it to do so? Is there another monitor you could connect to that system?

However, I just remembered something - Windows 8 does this weird thing on occasion where it doesn't fully shut down. If its desktop - unplug the system. If it's laptop, unplug it and remove the battery. Whichever it is, with the power removed, hold down the power button for 90 seconds to clear the memory and discharge any electrical current in the system. Reconnect the power source and power it back on

No, the computer never ran in safe mode. I did unplug the system for about an hour (I didn't hold down the power button though). I will try another monitor on the computer to see if that helps. Will let you know and thanks for all your ideas!

Sure - try holding the power button down. The capacitors in those power supplies will hold a charge for quite a while...Days in some cases

Tried another monitor and held down the power button for 90+ seconds. Monitor says there is no's got to be because of the safe start mode. Any more thoughts?
The monitor said no VGA HDMI connectivity.

So I'm curious, and should have asked this question a while ago...what was going on that you decided to boot in safe mode in the first place? Also, does the monitor display the BIOS splash screen or any other writing before it gets to the point where Windows starts to load?