monitors gaming and 3D


Feb 9, 2013
ok so my first question is do i have to buy a 3d monitor to play 3d games i running a gtx 770. someone told me that i could just buy a nice benq monitor and then buy the nvidia 3d package and be able to play 3d games? is this true? or do i need a 3d monitor? second off im throwing my christmas list together and i want to buy 3 monitors well what size should they be is there such a thing as to big when running 3 monitors? asin will 3 27in not look as good as 3 24in? also i would like to budget them no more than $150 each.
thanks all
yes you have to buy 3D monitor to play 3D Games.only one is enough, unless you want to play with 3 display. choose the certified 3d monitor for your GPU.

so whats a recommended monitor and yes i want 3 so i need cost effective
3d is optional... only if i can get a good price id rather have quality 2d but having a decent 2d and 3d would be acceptable

3D monitors are very expensive. maybe you can buy 3 or more 2d monitors in one 3D monitor. Ghosting is the problem for 3D monitor. i think samsung is better for 3d monitor. i got philips 3d monitor 27 inch, and its not so good. i can see GHOSTING. check this
If you don't want to spend over $150 per monitor you can just cross 3D out of the equation. There's also the fact that 3 monitors alone require a really good GPU(s), and 3D effectively halves your frames. So unless you have dual GPU's, and really powerful ones at that, then having 3 3D monitors isn't a good idea.

gtx 770 giga 4g
i5 3570k 4.4mhz
asrock extreme4

i may need 2 770s for 3d i really havent looked into it for 3d gaming much i would of just had it for eye candy once and a while.. so no real heartbreak over not having it if i can get a good deal.. also is there a way to get 1 3d monitor and 2 regular monitor and still be able to run things on 3 screen in 2d but use only the center for 3d gaming?? may possibly cut down price but not sure if its a good idea with possibly latency issues?

lol im getting away from the real question what monitors do you guys recommend??
I can't give you a specific recommendation, but I will say this. When doing a triple monitor setup, it's essential to pick out monitors that match each other in terms of color and brightness, so most people stick with the same for all 3. It's probably possible to find some that match each other that are different models, but just make sure to do your research.

alright thank you for the advice... is there any particular specs i should be looking for i mean with a monitor in general..

The reason they mentioned about buying a BenQ and buying the kit separately, is because most 3D monitors being released do not have a built in emitter or glasses. So you will want to find a 3D Vision 2 (with Lightboost, as all 3D Vision 2 monitors have), and find out if they come with the kit built in or not. Most don't these days. Though one of the best is the Asus VG278H, and has it built in.
ah i see now thank you. but i think ive finally decided id rather buy a 3 monitor setup than just one good 3d monitor. so with that decided what stand, monitor, monitor size, and features do you recommend for a 3 montior setup i want the kind of stand that lets the 2 outside monitors slant towards me so it has a wrap around feel.
also the bestplace to buy said monitors and is it better to piece it together piece by piece or just buy a bundle from tigerdirect?