More cores or higher clock speed for a lot of processes

Apr 19, 2018
Hi, sorry if this is a nooby question, but i am not quite sure how this works.
The app:
The wikipedia page for it says its mainly single threaded but has a few multi-threaded things done (barely), so its pretty much single threaded.
The scenario:
I need to run as many of these processes as possible

Can the OS/CPU assign each process to a different core? Or not and just the highest base clock on the latest gen intel cpus is the best way to go?

Currently using a 4690k and it uses around 5% cpu, wondering if i should go for a 2700x or a 8600k
Yes, something like that on all counts. OS does it thru threads so processors with more threads per core fare even better with lets say 4cores/8 threads as opposed to 4 core/ 4 threads processors. Load is more evenly distributed. There are even more complications with processors with hypethreading etc.
OS also needs to use cores/threads for it's own purposes so it's not SW that uses them for own work.
Single threaded emphasis means you want higher clockspeeds, all other things being equal. That means Intel, since they have AMD beat on that.

I don't see a link for your app if you meant to include one. I also don't know what 'processes' you are referring to. Depending on that info, you might need cores AND clockspeed.

If your current CPU is only at 5% usage why do you think you need an upgrade?

What i meant is i want to run as many of these programs as possible. 1 instance of the program uses 5% cpu, i can run say 15 now, id like to run as many as possible
It doesn't go exactly like that, some programs may share same cores but in general, yes, more cores usually means less load on processor in case of multiple programs running at same time. Don't forget that OS will also try to equalize the load across all or some cores depending also on core count on boost/turbo, some of them would boost only on certain number of cores.

Sorry, just making sure i understood this right.
Even when all programs open are single-threaded, the OS will try to split the load between all the available cores? Therefore more cores lets you have more programs open simultaneously ?
Yes, something like that on all counts. OS does it thru threads so processors with more threads per core fare even better with lets say 4cores/8 threads as opposed to 4 core/ 4 threads processors. Load is more evenly distributed. There are even more complications with processors with hypethreading etc.
OS also needs to use cores/threads for it's own purposes so it's not SW that uses them for own work.