Question More games like Planetside 2

Apr 9, 2019
I finally got to build an entry level pc and now I don't have the money to buy any game for it anymore, so looked into some free to play titles and the games that I have collected through give aways.
and so far I have really been anjoying planetside 2, because of the huge battles.
But it's starts getting a little too repetitive for me after a while
I would like to see a few more different games where you get to walk through massive chaotic battles with bullets explosions and dust flyingh all arround you.
(Since I spent all the money for this month on my pc some f2p recommendations would be nice too)

This is what I like so much about this game:
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What is your hardware? Hard to recommend free games without knowing what you can run.

Free to Play FPS with lots of players? Fortnite

Tribes Ascend should be pretty close to Planetside.

More traditional FPS:
Unreal Tournament: Pre-Alpha (Still a finished game, just lacks developer support it seems, testing ground for Unreal engine) (Though the player base is now very small, thanks Fortnite, but still some dedicated groups with player made mods)
CounterStrike:Global Offensive
TeamFortress 2 (an oldy, but still a dedicated player base)

Free to Play but still pretty cool:
Hawken (Also Unreal engine, fast paced mech type combat)
Mechwarrior Online (Closer to simulator style combat, Crysis engine)