More Of Amazon's Month-Long Black Friday Deals

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I don't know about the other stuff but the Dell Inspirons are pretty nice (even better is the model with the 1920x1080 display for $640) - and these sale prices are $150 to $200 off the lowest price you'll find anywhere else. Perhaps $150 to $200 savings isn't much of a sale to you but most of us consider it real money.
I wasn't really looking for one of these convertible 2-in-1 hybrids but I wasn't going to spend $800 to $900++ on a 1920x1080 13" ultrabook either. The 1920x1080 Inspiron has a better display and otherwise compares very favorably to identically-configured models of the popular Lenovo Yoga 2 13 priced from $850 to $950.

Not to mention the 480 GB version for $199 lasting through the 27th
I just feel like it's wise to hold out for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. These deals will get all the impulse buyers, but will our patience for the big days be rewarded?

It's hard to say since businesses never pulled off early Black Friday sales this intense before! I mean, Wal Mart today announced that they'll price match their competitors Black Friday deals right now until the real Black Friday. Meaning, you could go to Wal Mart, and go ahead and get that $120 TV that one of their competitors is waiting until Black Friday to sell.

These businesses are playing dirty now. It's stressin' me out man!
Tomshardware is starting to piss me off. Yesterday when I went to post a comment there was no "add a comment" button but others clearly was able to comment. Its like I have to wait 12 hours for the button to appear.

Anyway those prices are terrible, by just going to you can see the prices were just about the same last month
"If you have any sort of ad block enabled, toms comments don't work at all. They made it that way."

I use ABP and I can see "add a comment" just fine.
I have ABP also and can see the "add a comment" but its sporadic, sometimes its there sometimes it not. The "view thread in forums" button also likes to play hide and seek.
It doesn't have anything to do with any adblock add-ons. Tom's has been restructuring their website for a few months now in order to better cope with the addition of the newer sister sites. I would say the site should become more stable around march or so.
Tom's really just wants people to click on the links and buy to make themselves money. Proof is the tag in the amazon link: &tag=bom-tomshardware-20
"Tom's really just wants people to click on the links and buy to make themselves money. Proof is the tag in the amazon link: &tag=bom-tomshardware-20"

Tom's Is just like any other site, they have to pay the bills somehow. Would you rather start paying a fee to visit these sites? Use the links, it helps them and you get a great deal sometimes yourself.

Here is a perfect example of no way to reply to a post that clearly already have comments:
Adblock on:

Adblock off
The best deal I seen for Amazon is a 50" Toshiba TV not sure how and when it will appear online. Someone said you will have to check the lightning sales. IDK Toshiba is a better brand than what the competitors are offer (Element/Westinghouse) Best Buy is offering a Panasonic 50' for 199 spec and reviews look great just not sitting in a line for it lol. I am looking for a replacement TV to my 32" and don't know if I should Black Friday it or wait til Cyber Monday.
The Samsung SSD caught my interest, but in reviewing it on Amazon I noticed the Crucial MX100 on sale for less ($110 for 256GB or $205 for 512GB).

The data transfer rates and MTBF looked comparable to me, is there anything significantly better about Samsung 840 Pro?
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