I read the posts about PCIe slots and I read my motherboards manual. The manual is confusing about a point and it doesn't explain it clearly.
I purchased an Aorus X299 Gaming 7. You can find the manual here: http://download.gigabyte.us/FileList/Manual/mb_manual_ga-x299-aorus-gaming-7_e.pdf
On page 21 it explains how to install GPU's and the diagram shows 5 PCIe slots that are physically each 16 lanes. Two things are confusing:
1. The slots are labeled in such a way that, even though they are all physically 16 lanes, it's implying that not all slots support 16 lanes. Is that true? If I want to put one and only one GPU into slot 2 will it only be 4 lanes?
2. Slot 4 isn't labeled. Does that mean it doesn't work?
I purchased an Aorus X299 Gaming 7. You can find the manual here: http://download.gigabyte.us/FileList/Manual/mb_manual_ga-x299-aorus-gaming-7_e.pdf
On page 21 it explains how to install GPU's and the diagram shows 5 PCIe slots that are physically each 16 lanes. Two things are confusing:
1. The slots are labeled in such a way that, even though they are all physically 16 lanes, it's implying that not all slots support 16 lanes. Is that true? If I want to put one and only one GPU into slot 2 will it only be 4 lanes?
2. Slot 4 isn't labeled. Does that mean it doesn't work?