More Pictures Surface of GTX 780; Almost GTX Titan PCB

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Dec 25, 2008
"The pictures show the PCB of the GTX 780, and you can tell that it has half the number of memory chips..."
Both appear to have 12 memory chips to me... The 780's memory isn't double-sided, though. Perhaps the Titan's memory is double-sided?
well, all ranting aside (already done that elsewhere), Nvidia needs to be REALLY CAREFUL with this one.
remember the 680/670 fiasco, where the gtx670 ran within 5% of the 680 for $100 less? imagine if that happened with the 780 and the Titan? remember when they marketed the Titan as the super uber special card that won't be surpassed in one generation (and Maxwell will likely kill it come early 2014...). yeah, there are some really pissed fans out there that Nvidia needs to control


May 16, 2013
looks good. i'll probably get 2 for my 3770k. i'm playin on three 53" 1080p screens and my 680s are good but they dip in the low 60 frames (i have really good eye sight, so i prefer about 150 fps.)
very excited about these cards. gonna tell mom what i want.

The Indomitable

Jan 2, 2013
Finally Nvidia catches up to AMD in terms of standard VRAM and memory bus... no architecture changes, though. AMD 9000 series should blow both this and Maxwell out the water.

I'm more or less an AMD fan and am really looking forward to 9000 series, but it won't be blowing Maxwell anywhere. if current release schedules follow through, we'll see 9970 probably in Oct or Nov (it's honestly silly to release in Dec), and Maxwell late Q1 or early Q2 2014. Nvidia will have had enough time to tweak Maxwell so that it at least matches the 9970, if for some weird reason they can't, they'll simply delay its release until they can. it's simple competition

The Indomitable

Jan 2, 2013
Is it really possible to tweak your entire architecture within the span of a few months?
Also, what'll be the processes of the 9000 series and Maxwell? 20nm or 22? can't remember.
But right now, doesn't AMD have a huge advantage in terms of computation?

no, it's not possible to overhaul an entire architecture within a few months, but it IS POSSIBLE to tweak an architecture or just move on to the next one. these companies don't work on just one architecture at a time. there's a ton of branches in development, and they always look for the sweet-spot between consumer demand, raw performance, production cost, and production capabilities.

9000 series from AMD is rumored to be on the 20nm process.

and yes, AMD has a huge advantage in computation, it's why I have a 7970 (it's cost effective for combined gaming/work needs). but honestly at this level of performance, only a very niche market actually need it, and many of those who need it have the work budget to get a dedicated work-station card. Nvidia recognized this, and nerfed their compute to cut costs. AMD's a cool company, but when it comes to marketing and how to run a PROFITABLE business, Nvidia knows what they're doing

The Indomitable

Jan 2, 2013
Everything you said is true, and Nvidia does know how to run a profitable business. Somehow, they can manage to charge more for lesser-performance cards. The Catalyst drivers really bumped FPS, but AMD really needs to figure out the frame time issues they're having. If they manage to do that, their cards will be both cheaper and better-performing than Nvidia's cards.
And I think what AMD is trying to do with their Gaming Evolved movement is make game devs utilize the computation side of GPU's. Once games can do that then AMD will be fine. I think AMD knows how to run a profitable business, they just need time and space to do so. They're being very strategical about things, while also much improving their cards to boot. I mean, 700 series is still GK104, saf the 780 which is just a cut-down titan. Nvidia is stagnating for a whole nother year. This is why AMD decided not to release 8000 series for desktop, because it'd just be a rebranded 7000. At least AMD is trying to improve and doesn't wanna milk us for more money *cough* Nvidia is the EA of graphics cards *cough*


May 16, 2013
Why don't they list price in USD? It is the world's reserve currency after all. Listing is in Euros makes it all but impossible to predict what the price will be in a specific market thanks to wildly varying value added taxes.

Speaking of which, this thing comes out in two days. Why hasn't this price thing been confirmed yet?


Mar 4, 2013
It is supposedly being released in a few days. Any idea how long before I will be able to snatch one up? I have never bought a card so soon after it was released but I am ready to upgrade my 480. Is this one of those things where it gets released then you have to wait 2 months before anyone has it in stock?


Mar 31, 2009
GTX780 $643.80 to $772.56 USD
GTX770 $463.54 USD
I think I'm very happy with my 2nd GTX680 purchase off ebay for $250. People keep selling your GTX680s!


Nov 8, 2010
It does slightly piss me off the titan i just bought is going to be almost equaled in performance to a card half the cost already. To all the people claiming Radeon is the better deal, that's a joke. Radeons have horrible spiking frame rendering times even in single gpu setups but especially on crossfire setups. When you look at geforce's frame rendering time its a fairly flat line you look at amd's and while a majority of amd's are rendered faster it has mainly outliers that are huge spikes that produce very noticeable stuttering in games. Radeons also use more power and give off more heat. Radeons mobile drivers are utterly pathetic compared to geforce mobile drivers (they are pretty even on the desktop in drivers). Just lookup the problems with 7970m crossfire in mobile setups many many months after the 7970m release. Radeon has a chance of getting an advantage of being the default GPU games are optimized for now that it will be in all the consoles and yes radeons are good for compute but as the article states most people that rely on high compute need the reliability of the workstation cards anyways unless you are mining bitcoins or something which is basically useless to do on GPU's now anyways. The facts are facts. Geforce cards provide an overall smoother game play than radeon cards and isn't that the most important thing. It's just a bonus the geforce does this at lower power levels at similar performance levels and much less heat. Anything can happen for the next big change from radeon and geforce at 20nm but currently nvidia is winning if you are a gamer at heart.
Geez laststop, hater much? I have a 7950, I don't see any of what your talking about. And I bet most of those who buy AMD don't have issues either. Sometimes when you look at a synthetic benchie like frame times you are looking at something most people can't notice/see. Sure, some can, but most won't have an issue. Since being alerted to the issue AMD is working on it, I bet we'll see the beta driver at some point.


Jan 3, 2011
It would be nice to see Nvidia get back on track with GPU compute and Cuda with this new series of cards.
It's nice to be able to game well but, it's even nicer to be able to do a wide range of things well.
I do play a game on occasion but, I like my PC to be much more than just an overgrown Xbox.


May 16, 2013

lol, what did you just use the exchange rate? It doesn't work that way. There are VATs and all kinds of import taxes in Europe that make the exchange rate meaningless. Delivery fees are higher because fuel costs more. You get taxed for farting over there. It's what happens when you willingly let government run your life, your video cards and farts are more expensive.

I'm guessing they will be a full 30% more expensive in Europe.

So for the U.S.

GTX 780 - $495.23 - $594.28
GTX 770 - $356.57

However, it is absurd that the 780 is coming out tomorrow and we don't know pricing.


Jan 3, 2011
Yea, and that's allot of BS too and you know it.
Sure that can hold true in certain environments but, the majority that were benefiting from using their GPU's for computing were using semi-professional apps like adobe.
People were using GTX 580's for the cuda support and doing quite well. Now their still using GTX 580's when many would like to have a better card.

Nvidia's screwing up here, most of these people will never buy an overpriced workstation card. They'll just switch to AMD when the support in the apps gets better (and that's happening now).

If you really love Nvidia, call them out when they make bad choices. Don't just keep blindly supporting bad practices. That won't change a thing.

Fanboys can be such idiots!

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