More ram or better graphics card?


Jan 4, 2018
Hi, I'm new to PC gaming and plan to build my own PC soon, but I'm having trouble desiding on what route take with my hardware selection. Basically, my delema is that I can't decide between 8gb of ddr4 ram and a GTX1050 ti, or 4gb of ram and a RX470. At the end of the day the build will cost me the same amount, I'm just trying to get the most FPS out of that amount;). O, and I'm going to use a pentium g4560 if that helps. Thanks!
You want 8gb, there's no way I'd recommend someone build a new system with 4gb these days. The 1050 Ti is not that bad, at worst you'll need to lower settings in certain games to keep framerate up. Don't get me wrong, the 470 would be a nice jump in performance but you have to have at least 8gb ram.

Also, if the motherboard you choose has 2 memory slots, buy one 8gb stick. That way you can add another 8gb stick later. You will want 16gb someday. If the motherboard has 4 slots, then you can buy 2x4gb sticks since you'll still have two empty slots to add memory to later.
You want 8gb, there's no way I'd recommend someone build a new system with 4gb these days. The 1050 Ti is not that bad, at worst you'll need to lower settings in certain games to keep framerate up. Don't get me wrong, the 470 would be a nice jump in performance but you have to have at least 8gb ram.

Also, if the motherboard you choose has 2 memory slots, buy one 8gb stick. That way you can add another 8gb stick later. You will want 16gb someday. If the motherboard has 4 slots, then you can buy 2x4gb sticks since you'll still have two empty slots to add memory to later.