Most suitable PSU?


Mar 8, 2015
Hello, what PSU would be the best with a GTX 770 4GB and a i5-4670k? I will be planning on overclocking the CPU and want to make sure I get the PSU correct. I was thinking a 600w would be enough but friends are saying I should get a 750w.
Keep in mind when you use online sites to calculate your power needs you are told your MINIMUM. Sure 600W may be enough but why not go bigger and have less work load on your PSU. Going for a larger-than-needed PSU allows the PSU to work at much less than its maximum threshold, increasing service life, decreasing heat and providing a more stable power supply.

If you can spare the extra $20.00 [give or take], go for 100W more than what you need. It allows for everything I mentioned above and future expansions you may not have considered yet. Plus, WHY NOT?

Just saying,


Card itself can eat up to 250W in extreme scenario if you gonna OC it it would be even more.
I can see you have i5 K version (84W) so i bet you gonna try to push it as well.
Both overclocked can probably even hit 400W, if you add 50-80 W for mobo and other peripherals you are getting 480W.
If it was 550W PSU that would be almost 90% of it capacity... that is just to risky.
My recon:
550W valid for stock cpu and GPU
600W valid for OC one of them
650W valid if OC both.