Mother BIOS Compatibility Query


Feb 16, 2017
Hi everyone,

I am very new to the mechanics of pcs and am in the process of building my first with a Gigabyte H170N-WIFI motherboard.

However, after running the motherboard outside of the case, with CPU, CPU fan, & 1 stick RAM; the fan runs intermittently and the Motherboard keeps switching itself on and off, with no display showing on the monitor.. I'm wondering if it is down to the CPU compatibility.

I decided to buy the Intel i3-7100 as it is apparently compatible with the MOBO, but I realised it likely needs a BIOS upgrade. However, could this be a cause for the motherboard switching on and off, and not showing anything on the monitor?

You can't, without a supported CPU. I suggest taking the board to a local pc shop.

"MOBO light goes on, fan runs, then after 5 secs switches off, then starts again etc."
Is the 8 pin power cable connected to the motherboard?

Hi, thanks for your response. Yes the same happens with no RAM: MOBO light goes on, fan runs, then after 5 secs switches off, then starts again etc.

Checking the Gigabyte website, it does seem like I need a BIOS upgrade... but then I don't understand how can I do this if I can't get to the BIOS screen

Ok thanks for the suggestion. I will try for an alternative for the time being... think I have an old laptop lying around somewhere, will try booting from the CPU from that..

To answer your 2nd point, my MOBO has a 4 pin power cable and I've checked it is plugged in properly.

Nevermind, I was mistaken. Looks like a trip to the local pc store will be my best bet!