Motherboard ATX 12v connector extremely hard to plug in?


Sep 1, 2012
I built my first computer last week with a Gigabyte G1.Sniper B5 motherboard, and a Corsair CX750 PSU, but I had an extremely hard time plugging in the ATX 12v connector into the socket.

Here is what they both look like: .

I'm not exaggerating either when I say it was extremely hard to fit. If I hadn't held the motherboard from the back, it would have snapped in half, and it ended up not fitting all the way in the end. It took me about 5 minutes of pushing to get it to stay in place. I checked the pattern of each hole in the connector to the pattern in the socket and they all match, except one of the holes in the plug has no metal inside, but I don't think that has anything to do with it.

I've been using this computer for a week now and it crashed twice, but I'm pretty sure that was a problem with the GPU drivers, not the PSU or anything. But my question is:

Is this normal? Is something not compatible? I watched a couple tutorials on people building PCs and none of them have had to push hard when inserting the connector. Is there a way to fix this?
Hi vaconcamp
i believe your problem is the Corsair CX750 PSU
a lot of people here have had the same problem with the CX power cables not fitting especially the 8pin EPS and the 24pin ATX
also the cx has low grade capacitors .
I would suggest getting power cable extensions like the bitfenix ones plug them into the power cables then the extensions into your motherboard they should fit in well

it usually is a little awkward to align the plug with the connector, but it should fit without too much difficulty. I usually find it much harder to pull it out than to put it in. :)

Good thing is once it's in, you don't have to worry too much about it. If it isn't correctly plugged in, I suspect the motherboard won't pass POST - but I've never tested this theory. :)

I also have had another problem with the PSU that it makes a weird clicking/ticking noise, and am thinking of replacing it or getting a refund. Would you recommend that I get a different PSU if I can? So far I'm not happy with the quality of this one. If not, I'll probably just get one of those cable extensions like you said.
I would rma it and get a quality psu from seasonic/xfx or any psu from corsairs TX,HX or AX range of PSU's
they all have high grade japanese capacitors
where are you from , will provide you with a link for a good one , if you have a preferable site you deal with give me a link and i will see what i can do

I'm from South Carolina in the US. I have to buy it from Amazon, though. I'm trying to stay under $100 and this one seems ok . I'm also looking at the link that herrwizo provided to see if I can find one under $100 that's 750w.

Thanks. I'll see how I can go about replacing it.