motherboard beep sound

Not all motherboards will beep after a successful post. Beeping nowadays is usually reserved for issues such as memory not working right. The aforementioned speaker, that Zerk posted a link to is connected to one of your motherboard leads(inside of your case). It's an internal speaker who's sound is not routed to external speakers or the 3.5mm jack. I have one connected to my board and thankfully I've not heard a peep(or a beep) out of it since I built it about a year ago.
with newer mb having debug code leds and fault led like the asus mb that light up if there a ram or cpu or power fault the beeping speaker is not needed. i had my z77 sabertooth without the speaker for years a better to have a nice quiet post then have a beep ever time the pc powers on.

I do so miss hearing my modem singing while it was connecting to the internet.