I've got a new PC that I built 3 months ago. It's been working fine up until last night.
Last night when I shut down the PC, it started beeping rapidly for a few seconds until the computer was completely off. I rebooted and there were no issues.
Today I powered on the PC and the instant that I touch the power on button the PC started beeping rapidly. It doesn't stop although the machine runs and works as normal. The beep is so distracting that I can't use the PC, even though it works.
I've tried disconnecting the internal speaker but this makes no difference.
The mobo is a MSI B350. No lights show up on the EZ diagnostic sensors.
What I've tried:
1) Disconnecting internal speaker - no difference
2) Removing graphics card - no difference
3) Removed all peripherals - no difference (so it isn't a stuck key)
4) Removed and re-seated RAM - no difference
5) Checked every single connection to the mobo
Build is as follows:
Ryzen 5 1600x
MSI B350 mobo
8gb DDR4 RAM
GTX1050ti 4gb
250gb SSD
1 TB & 320 gb HDD
OS is dual-boot Linux Mint/Win 10
The system still runs and works fine apart from the beeping. The beeping starts instantly as soon as I nudge the power button and continues right until shut down. The only thing different about my PC is that I moved it yesterday, so I guess something may have moved internally but I can't identify it.
Any suggestions, or at least any way I can disable the onboard mobo sound?
EDIT: Made a quick YT video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcvqf4w7pqY
Apologies for the poor picture quality, it's really dark in the room where my PC is.
Last night when I shut down the PC, it started beeping rapidly for a few seconds until the computer was completely off. I rebooted and there were no issues.
Today I powered on the PC and the instant that I touch the power on button the PC started beeping rapidly. It doesn't stop although the machine runs and works as normal. The beep is so distracting that I can't use the PC, even though it works.
I've tried disconnecting the internal speaker but this makes no difference.
The mobo is a MSI B350. No lights show up on the EZ diagnostic sensors.
What I've tried:
1) Disconnecting internal speaker - no difference
2) Removing graphics card - no difference
3) Removed all peripherals - no difference (so it isn't a stuck key)
4) Removed and re-seated RAM - no difference
5) Checked every single connection to the mobo
Build is as follows:
Ryzen 5 1600x
MSI B350 mobo
8gb DDR4 RAM
GTX1050ti 4gb
250gb SSD
1 TB & 320 gb HDD
OS is dual-boot Linux Mint/Win 10
The system still runs and works fine apart from the beeping. The beeping starts instantly as soon as I nudge the power button and continues right until shut down. The only thing different about my PC is that I moved it yesterday, so I guess something may have moved internally but I can't identify it.
Any suggestions, or at least any way I can disable the onboard mobo sound?
EDIT: Made a quick YT video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcvqf4w7pqY
Apologies for the poor picture quality, it's really dark in the room where my PC is.