Motherboard beeps randomly, programs freeze, just had a BSOD.


May 29, 2014
So yeah.

Over the past few months, my motherboard has started beeping.

Normally, nothing happens.

However, if playing a game, the game will freeze. Most of the time it's the whole game. The sound that was triggered during the beep will play until the freeze is finished. Usually lasts about two minutes.

Once, it was only the sound that froze. It beeped, all sounds refused to queue, and sounds started playing properly when the motherboard beeped again.

And finally, just twenty minutes ago, it beeped again. It had been doing the freezing thing A LOT today. In fact, that sound freeze happened an hour or two ago. In Skyrim. Same game I was playing just twenty minutes ago when it beeped, and I recognized that loop that happened immediately. I haven't heard that sound since 2008.

And then it bluescreened.


So, thoughts?



Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)

CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 X4


MOBO: MSI 760gm-p34 FX

GPU: MSi Nvidia GTX 970 4GB

HDD: Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB


Edit: To clarify, there is one beep, then the game freezes for two minutes. There is no beep when it unfreezes. If the sound freezes, it is a beep, then sound stops, then a beep when the sound comes back.

It beeped once before the bluescreen, then the sound looped for about three seconds, then it bluescreened. When rebooting, it beeped again while typing in my password. It took forever to get past to "Welcome" screen.

I am really having trouble deciding whether this is a RAM or HDD issue.

Also, added the HDD in the edit.
Should be easy fix. I love getting bsod's rather than other errors because a bsod will give you a stop code that you can put into google and it will tell you what is most likely wrong. Write down the code and look it up. To me without knowing the code, it sounds like overheating issue. Check your temps. I could be completely wrong.
Should be easy fix. I love getting bsod's rather than other errors because a bsod will give you a stop code that you can put into google and it will tell you what is most likely wrong. Write down the code and look it up. To me without knowing the code, it sounds like overheating issue. Check your temps. I could be completely wrong.
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 7A, {fffff6fc40009b50, ffffffffc000000e, 5ed08860, fffff8800136a55f}

GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from fffff80003afa278
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : memory_corruption

Followup: memory_corruption

Sooooooo... Memory corruption. Beautiful.