Motherboard Brand choice


Dec 27, 2015
Hey! I'm looking to buy a new mobo, and i'm kinda lost on what to choose.
I'm looking at z97 models because although I'm not gonna SLI my gtx 970 right now i want to leave that option open for the future.
I went trough the tier list and i have a few question.
- What's the differences between the brands, and which one should i choose?
- Also, since i only want to SLI and not to OC, would there be much of a difference in choosing the z97 SLI krait over z97 gaming 5? ( i choose msi cause people suggested those 2, but its more about the tier list rating that the brand)

thanks for the answer.
if i could just ask something: Is there a specific Motherboard you would recommend for my case?

oh, yes, sorry. It's a i7-4790.

here's also a list of all the components once the build is finished (minus the mobo)

if possible could you give me any insights on if there's a difference between the z97-a and the pro gamer?